Next stop: Fellowship in Nicaragua - Temple University Grad Profile
In 2013, Eli LaBan stepped onto Temple’s campus as a freshman psychology major unsure of the direction he wanted to go. In May, he’ll leave as an Emmy Award-winning videographer who has traveled the world, telling people’s stories through his lens...
Counting to 10 Leads to Emmy Win for Temple Graduate
Eli LaBan will probably start checking his spam folder more often.
The recent Temple University grad — he studied media studies and production — received an email, congratulating him on his nomination for a College Television Award, run by the Television Academy Foundation (aka the Emmy Awards).
“Learn to Count in an Endangered Language:” Eli Laban’s Emmy-Winning Project - Klein College of Media and Communication
At Klein College, more and more students are creating professional-level work. Media Studies and Production alumnus Eli Laban won a National College Emmy for his video series "Learn to Count in an Endangered Language."
Eli LaBan is named 2017 Alice Rowan Swanson Fellow-SIT Study Abroad
The School for International Training has named SIT Study Abroad alumnus Eli LaBan as the next Alice Rowan Swanson fellow. LaBan will return to Nicaragua to digitize a disappearing language, develop teaching tools, and draw more attention to indigenous culture...
Philadelphia Film Society - Filmmaker Spotlight: Eli LaBan
Filmmaker Eli LaBan has worked primarily in documentaries, but ventured into the world of narrative film as Director of Photography and co-editor of The Art of Being Izzy. Made as a capstone project for the Media Studies and Production Major at Temple University, the film follows a Chinese-American college student as she struggles to come to terms with her cultural identity.